Saturday, December 31, 2011
The Beer Buddha's 2012 Resolutions
1) Lose Weight. Even The Beer Buddha struggles with weight loss. I need to realize that just because I'm lifting pint glasses to my lips it doesn't mean I'm working out.
2) Start homebrewing. It's time I really start doing this. I think it can help me become a better writer. Okay not writer but beer drinker for sure. Brewstock here I come!
3) Stop picking on Abita. Apparently they feel like my opinion is biased and I am picking on them. I'm not picking on you but in the interest of supporting local beer I shall stop. At least I will try to stop. Perhaps a beer summit with myself and the owner? That would be cool. I do however need to do the beer tour. Haven't done it yet. Will they let me in?
4) Go to the Great American Beer Festival. This looks like it is going to happen. Stay tuned!
5) I need to get back to my weekly visits to Avenue Pub. Once I got promoted at work it become tough but I need to do this.
6) Drink and review more beers. Tough one I know.
7) Build a bar in my backyard. I've really wanted to do this for a while. Turn my whole backyard into some awesome island oasis with a bar and shit. Maybe 2012 will be the year it happens.
8) Host a big ass craft beer party at my backyard bar(see 7 if you skipped).
9) Beer trading. I do this occasionally but would like to try more beers from around the country and share all the local beers we are beginning to see.
10) Make 2012 another great year for beer in Louisiana!
Do you have any beer related resolutions for 2012? Comment on this post! We would love to hear them!
The Beer Buddha
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Beer Buddha's Top 10 List of the Best(and Worst) Beery Shit That Happened in New Orleans in 2011
So a lot of people are coming out with these amazing Best of (insert whatever here) lists for 2011. Polly Adler of Avenue Pub and Nora McGunnigle of NOLA Beer Bitch and NOLA Beer Guide both came out with amazing Best Beers of 2011. Me? No, I'm not going to do that. They already did it and did it really well. Not sure I can top either of those lists.
No, instead I decided to do what I do best and use humor to mask the fact that I am a horrible writer. Get me in a crowd of people and I can talk beer all day but when it comes to writing things down my limited vocabulary and getting hit too hard while playing contact sports limits my ability. But then again perhaps that very thing is what makes you all actually read the blog?
So on to my list. What exactly is it about? Not really sure. It's a best of and worst of I guess. It will focus on New Orleans and the surrounding area however. That much I do know. At least I think it will. And I'm sure it may piss some people off too.
1) My Favorite Local Beer of 2011
So this is a tough one. Okay, maybe it isn't but I did try some great local beers this year but one really stood out. I will state now though that the beers I considered in this are beers that are actually distributed. But the one that I really enjoyed most was NOLA Brewing's Flambeau. I can hear it now, Abita is booing and yelling that I am biased. That brings me to the next category.
2) The Biggest Local Let Down of 2011
So yeah, I'm sure you saw this one coming but I think I am right when I say that Abita's 25th Anniversary Vanilla Doubledog was the biggest let down by a local brewery in 2011. Abita is the 15th largest craft brewer in the country and this beer is what they chose to celebrate 25 years of brewing. Don't get me wrong it's an okay beer I just expected something better. I got a lot of flack for my review and apparently alienated friends that work there but I believe that the score of 81 on justifies my feelings.
3) Best Beer Festival of 2011
I went to a bunch of beer festivals this year and had a blast at all of them but one really stood out and it wasn't because of the beers being served but rather the style of the festival that made it stand out. NOLA on Tap, which was put on by The Bulldog was THE festival this year in my opinion. Not only did proceeds go to a good cause(LASPCA) but it was a pay as you drink festival. That's right, you didn't have to pay to get in. You just paid for a certain amount of tickets which you traded in for brews. Full size or sample size. In my opinion THIS is the future of beer fests in the country.
4) Best Beer Bar in 2011
Honestly this category really isn't fair but why punish one bar because all the others can't hold it's jockstrap? We all know The Avenue Pub is THE beer bar in not only New Orleans but in Louisiana. Nothing against all the other bars in the state but you ALL know you have a long way to go to be mentioned in the same sentence with AP.
5) Beer Bar Let Down of 2011
Yeah this is a category. Normally it wouldn't be but why not. I was that disappointed. The wife, kid and I took a trip to Baton Rouge(I don't know why but the wife wanted to go) and did a visit of some of BRs beery places. We went to Tin Roof which was awesome but based on reviews on BA we made the fateful decision to go to The Chimes for lunch. The beer selection was plentiful. Quality was bull shit. Attention bars who want to be a beer bar: It's quality not quantity.
6) Best Out Of State Brewery Entering Louisiana in 2011
This one really isn't all that hard since we didn't have too many coming to Louisiana in 2011 but I'm giving this one to Stillwater Artisinal Ales.
7) Bullshit Out of State Brewery Entering Louisiana in 2011
This one goes hands down to Fort Collins Brewery for entering into the state in of all places Baton Rouge and NOT in New Orleans. Please take the picture of New Orleans down from your site until you actually distribute here please.
8) Surprise Beer of 2011
Big Flats 1901. Yeah that just happened. What do you want me to say? This beer came in at like $3 for a sixer and it wasn't half bad. Sometimes you just need a cheap, tasteless beer to get you through. This one fits the bill.
9) Louisiana Beer Trend of 2011
The beer can. Tin Roof, NOLA Brewing and Abita are all releasing beer in cans. The first two didn't really surprise me but Abita jumping on the band wagon at the last minute shocked me a bit. Now they could have been planning the canning line for years for all I know but it does look like a lame attempt. It's as if they realized that NOLA Brewing and Tin Roof are going to do awesome sales during Mardi Gras because of the can choice so they decided to get in the game too. All goes back to my assumption that Abita is a reactive not proactive company. But who am I to judge. I'm only a consumer.
10) Brewery to look forward to in 2012
Can I just say all of them? Well sure I can because I'm writing the damn thing! 2012 is going to be a great year for beer in Louisiana!
Well there you have it. Hope you enjoyed it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmakwanzakah!!!
The Beer Buddha
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Beerodamus' New Orleans Beer Scene 2012
2012. While a lot of the world is preparing for the end thanks to incorrectly reading a calendar from a group of people who couldn't predict their own downfall, I will be looking forward to the many beertastic things I hope to see in New Orleans in 2012.
Do I know for sure these things are going to happen(or not happen)? No, of course not but damn it would pretty kick ass if they did! Here ya go! Beerodamus' New Orleans Beer Scene 2012!!!
1) NOLA Brewing will team up with another southern brewery to make a kick ass collaboration beer. I really feel this one. For real.
2) Louisiana will have one brewery win a medal at the 2012 Great American Beer Festival. The last Louisiana brewery to do this? Dixie in 1988 with a silver for their Dixie Amber Light.
3) Avenue Pub will continue to be the best beer bar in Louisiana. Duh.
4) We will begin to see a second wave of out of state craft breweries entering the state for distribution. Lagunitas will be one of them.
5) We will see at least 10 solid local breweries distributing in the state. New Orleans will still only have one.
6) We will find out the that rumor that Barcade will be opening a New Orleans location is true. And the story broke here. Just now. As you read it. Right now. Done been broke.
7) Abita will release a beer in bottles that will knock our socks off.
8) New Belgium Brewing will still not be distributing here in Louisiana. Neither will Yuengling.
9) More local New Orleans restaurants will figure out that carrying craft beer is where it's at. But they still won't hire anyone that will know anything about the beers thereby making their selection irrelevant.
10) New Orleans will begin to become a major player in the craft beer movement. We won't be mecca status but people will begin to recognize and respect our city as a great place for craft beer!
There you have it. My predictions for the New Orleans beer scene in 2012. If you have any that you think will happen feel free to comment! Would love to hear your thoughts!
The Beer Buddha
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Bayou Teche Brewing and Valcour Records Give Away the Ultimate Mardi Gras Package
“Courir de Mardi Gras” Facebook Photo Contest:
Bayou Teche Brewing and Valcour Records Give Away the Ultimate Mardi Gras Package
Arnaudville, La. – December 13, 2011 – What better way is there to celebrate Mardi Gras than by sipping on smooth Louisiana Biere and tapping to the tunes of the best of Louisiana music? Bayou Teche is celebrating by collaborating with Valcour Records on their latest "Best of Valcour Records” CD and with the creation of Courir De Mardi Gras beer. Now we want to see how others celebrate the beloved and unique holiday tradition.
Starting on January 9, 2011, Bayou Teche Facebook fans, and anyone else with a Facebook account, for that matter, will be asked to upload a favorite photo of their own “Courir de Mardi Gras” experience on Bayou Teche Brewing’s Facebook Page. Contestants’ photos will then be voted on by fans, and the photo with most votes by February 10 wins the Grand Prize below. Second and third place photos will also be awarded.
Grand Prize:
● “Best of Valcour Records” Cajun Music CD
● Traditional Courir de Mardi Gras Costume
● Assorted Bayou Teche Brewing gift bag
2nd Place Prize:
● “Best of Valcour Records” CD
● Bayou Teche gift bag
3rd Place Prize:
● “Best of Valcour Records” CD
**All winners must be 21 years of age or older.
“The promotion with Valcour Records on their new CD and our beer is a celebration of all that’s traditional and rural. We can’t wait to share both the beer and music with our customers,” says Brewmaster at Bayou Teche Brewing, Karlos Knott. “Not only will we be giving people a chance to win prizes in this contest, but they’ll be provided with 1 download from the CD with every purchase of Courir de Mardi Gras Beer.”
Bien faire et laisser dire!
For more information, contest details will be posted on by Dec. 26, 2011, or call (337) 233-1010. And for more information on the “Best of Valcour Records,” visit Valcour Record’s website. To find Courir de Mardi Gras, visit Bayou Teche’s dealer listing.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
New Brewery: 40 Arpent Brewing Co.
I know this is last minute but I am just hearing about it this morning. It looks like we have been blessed with another local brewery. They are called 40 Arpent Brewing Co. and they will be introduced to the public tonite at the Rusty Nail from 6-9pm. It appears that they will also be looking for investors as well so if you are interested you need to go tonite.
40 Arpent Brewing is being spearheaded by Michael Naquin who co owns Beehive Hair Studio with his wife. As soon as I get more details regarding the brewery I will post on here.
The Beer Buddha
Monday, November 28, 2011
New Orleans Beer Guide: A New Local Beer Project
Just wanted to let you all know about a new beer project I am working on along with some other great local bloggers. Make sure you check out NOLA Beer Guide.
The Beer Buddha is still going to be around I just wanted to create a project that I could focus on New Orleans beer along with some other great writers. Check it out and stay tuned cause it's gonna be great!
The Beer Buddha
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Beery Christmas: Beer Gifts For Your Beer Nerd 2011 Edition
Turkey Day is over and the gift giving holidays are right around the corner. I say gift giving because why limit your gifts to only Christmas. I'm pretty sure they receive gifts during Hanukkah too! I came up with a nice little list of 10 items I think your significant beer nerd other would love to have! Enjoy!
1) Beer shoes
I really love these shoes from Brewshoes. I was going to have a beer clothing list but these shoes are so baddass I gave them their own. These shoes are not only great looking dress shoes but they also have a beer design on the sole of the shoes. Classic.
2) A membership to beer of the month club
Beer of the month clubs are a great idea. In the immortal words of Uncle Eddie from Christmas Vacation, "Clark, that's the gift that keeps on giving throughout the entire year". How truly wise of Uncle Eddie. You can receive beer all year long! My recommendation is to use I was fortunate enough to get a three month trial and loved the beers I received. All three months found me with beers I have never had a chance to try before. And that is hard to do.
3) Subscription to beer magazine and/or craft beer books
I recommend the following:
Draft Magazine
and Beer Magazine
The Oxford Companion to Beer by Garrett Oliver
The Great American Ale Trail by Christian DeBenedetti
Brewed Awakening by Joshua Bernstein
4) Beer memorabilia
I recommended this last year and will recommend it again. I love local New Orleans beer memorabilia and I'm sure your beer nerd would too. ebay is the easiest place to find what you are looking for. Some good ones to look up if you are from New Orleans are: Falstaff, Regal, Jax and Dixie.
5) Beer candy
What beer nerd wouldn't want hop infused chocolates? Check out for some great gift ideas for this holiday season and according to their website get your orders in early!
6) Beer T shirts
All beer geeks love beer shirts. All my peeps know that's pretty much all I wear. I will wear more than just craft beer shirts too. I love the old school beer shirts like the one pictured above. I recommend going to And yes they are a sponsor on this site! For a more local flair you can go to Funrock'n at 3109 Magazine St. They have some iron logos of breweries such as Falstaff and even Schwegmann's beer. They have shirts or you can bring your own.
7) Mixed beer case
Getting a mixed case of beer is always a great idea! Either from your local beer store like Steins Deli here in New Orleans or if you think your local beer nerd has exhausted his/her local resources go online. I recommend
8) Homebrewing Equipment
Pic courtesy of
Perhaps your local beer nerd has been considering homebrewing. Go to your local homebrew shop and either have the owner put together a kit for you or you can get a giftcard so your beer nerd can put together their own. Here in New Orleans the place to go is Brewstock which is located uptown at 3800 Dryades St.
9) Beercentric Restaurant Gift Certificate
pic courtesy
Most likely you live in a town that has a great restaurant that supports the craft beer movement. Buy your beer nerd a gift card to the restaurant! This gift can benefit you as well as most likely you'll be taken to dinner! Score! Some great craft beercentric restaurants here in the New Orleans area are my friends over at Squeal BBQ and also at Boucherie and Gordon Biersch.
10) Become a member-owner of a brewery
In Austin, Texas is a co-operative brew pub called Black Star Co-op. For a small fee of $150 you can buy your beer nerd one share in the brewery. And what are the benefits of being a member-owner? According to the brewery website:
-Voting power!
-Member appreciation events
-Patronage refunds
-Bragging rights
-”Beer with the Board” specials
-Free “Birthday” Beer
-Eligibility to join University Federal Credit Union
As the co-op develops, more benefits will become available.
This is such a unique and fun gift!!
If you have any fun beercentric gift ideas please share them with us!
The Beer Buddha
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Avenue Pub's The Kindness of Strangers Swedish Beer Event
So it's true! Sweden can make something other than bikini models and IKEA furniture and we have proof! Once again The Avenue Pub has gone above and beyond to get us New Orleanians the chance at trying the best beers in the world!
From The Avenue Pub:
The Kindness of Strangers Swedish beer event January 21st, 2012
In April of last year I met the owner of a very famous beer bar in Sweden. Stene loves New Orleans and wanted to throw a Mardi Gras party at his bar in Stockholm. Working with Shelton Bros we figured out a way to ship kegs of Abita and NOLA to Sweden. The idea was that they would be filled with Swedish beer and then returned to the Pub. Those kegs are on their way back to us now and we have scheduled the event for Saturday Jan 21st. what I didnt expect was the beers Stene would choose to send us. More than a few have never been in the US before and there is little chance they will return. The Stormskaporter is surely one of the most coveted imperial stouts in the world. It's made in tiny batches and only available in a few places in Sweden. Stene basically gave us one of his allocated kegs. An extraordinary gift.
The Stormskaporter will be the most expensive keg I've ever bought. once the US taxes and registering fees are paid the keg will cost $675 for a 1/4 barrel. That's before our local distributor gets hold of it. Shelton is donating their labor on this so there is no mark up expect for shipping. Because of this generosity we have decided to make at least part of this event charitable. The brewers of Narke lost their son to cancer very recently and we are waiting for their direction on how to donate the funds. We don't have a price yet on the rest of the beers so I haven't set a price or format for the event. We are letting Boucherie have some of the kegs for a Swedish beer dinner. More on that after the first of the year!
Please share this email around to all your beer loving friends. These beers is worth the trip:)
Coffee Stout
Kalas ÖL (Dark lager)
Christmas Beer (Scottish style wee heavy 8%)
annual christmas beer, recipe changes each year no reviews yet as it is new.
Hop Yard (Strong IPA)
Skvatt Galen (With bog myrtle witch was used before hops was common)
Smoked Porter
no review found
Tanngnjost & Tanngrisir (Smoked Double Bock)
Stormakts Porter Konjaks
Nynäshamns Ångbryggeri
Barley Wine 2009 ( Gold Medal today at World Beer Awards)
Tjockhult Tjinook ( first time on keg outside Oliver Twist & Akkurat)
Sotholmen Extra Stout
Mysingen Midvinterbryggd (Christmas ale in the style of Anchor Christmas)
Sovereign Golden Ale. ( Very easy to drink Britt styled Ale)
Oppigards TBA
Thanks Polly and gang for continuing to make New Orleans a much better beer town!
The Beer Buddha
From The Avenue Pub:
The Kindness of Strangers Swedish beer event January 21st, 2012
In April of last year I met the owner of a very famous beer bar in Sweden. Stene loves New Orleans and wanted to throw a Mardi Gras party at his bar in Stockholm. Working with Shelton Bros we figured out a way to ship kegs of Abita and NOLA to Sweden. The idea was that they would be filled with Swedish beer and then returned to the Pub. Those kegs are on their way back to us now and we have scheduled the event for Saturday Jan 21st. what I didnt expect was the beers Stene would choose to send us. More than a few have never been in the US before and there is little chance they will return. The Stormskaporter is surely one of the most coveted imperial stouts in the world. It's made in tiny batches and only available in a few places in Sweden. Stene basically gave us one of his allocated kegs. An extraordinary gift.
The Stormskaporter will be the most expensive keg I've ever bought. once the US taxes and registering fees are paid the keg will cost $675 for a 1/4 barrel. That's before our local distributor gets hold of it. Shelton is donating their labor on this so there is no mark up expect for shipping. Because of this generosity we have decided to make at least part of this event charitable. The brewers of Narke lost their son to cancer very recently and we are waiting for their direction on how to donate the funds. We don't have a price yet on the rest of the beers so I haven't set a price or format for the event. We are letting Boucherie have some of the kegs for a Swedish beer dinner. More on that after the first of the year!
Please share this email around to all your beer loving friends. These beers is worth the trip:)
Coffee Stout
Kalas ÖL (Dark lager)
Christmas Beer (Scottish style wee heavy 8%)
annual christmas beer, recipe changes each year no reviews yet as it is new.
Hop Yard (Strong IPA)
Skvatt Galen (With bog myrtle witch was used before hops was common)
Smoked Porter
no review found
Tanngnjost & Tanngrisir (Smoked Double Bock)
Stormakts Porter Konjaks
Nynäshamns Ångbryggeri
Barley Wine 2009 ( Gold Medal today at World Beer Awards)
Tjockhult Tjinook ( first time on keg outside Oliver Twist & Akkurat)
Sotholmen Extra Stout
Mysingen Midvinterbryggd (Christmas ale in the style of Anchor Christmas)
Sovereign Golden Ale. ( Very easy to drink Britt styled Ale)
Oppigards TBA
Thanks Polly and gang for continuing to make New Orleans a much better beer town!
The Beer Buddha
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Brewhaha on Bayou Road
Come celebrate New Orleans' brewing traditions at the 3rd Annual Brewhaha at it's new location on Bayou Rd! We'll have even more local brewers, coffee roasters, and artisans, plus great music and food.
When: Saturday, November 19 · 11:00am - 4:00pm
Where: Bayou Road (between North Broad and Desoto)
2500 Bayou Road
New Orleans, LA
Admission: FREE; Beer, Coffee, Food and Crafts are on sale
NOLA Brewing
Lazy Magnolia
Bayou Teche
Heiner Brau/Covington
Tin Roof
Pelican Brewing (Tastings)
Mudbug Brewing (Tastings)
Bayou Brew (Flavored Teas)
Society of New Orleans Baritas
Coffee Roasters of New Orleans
Crescent Pie & Sausage Co.
Buttermilk Drop Bakery
Coco Hut
Cajun King
Mchardy's Fried Chicken
Latino Farmers Cooperative
Big Will and the Warden
11am ~ Opening Ceremony - Prayer Song and Libation - Zion Trinity
11:30 - 12:30 J.D. Hill Blues Band
1:00 - 2:00 Zion Trinity
2:30 - 3:30 Sharon Martin and First Take
3:30 - 4 Festival Closing Celebration & Ceremony
*Domino Sound Record Shack spinning rare grooves on the Brewhaha Stage during breaks.
Art/Craft Vendors:
Coming Real Soon (Picture will be posted also)
When: Saturday, November 19 · 11:00am - 4:00pm
Where: Bayou Road (between North Broad and Desoto)
2500 Bayou Road
New Orleans, LA
Admission: FREE; Beer, Coffee, Food and Crafts are on sale
NOLA Brewing
Lazy Magnolia
Bayou Teche
Heiner Brau/Covington
Tin Roof
Pelican Brewing (Tastings)
Mudbug Brewing (Tastings)
Bayou Brew (Flavored Teas)
Society of New Orleans Baritas
Coffee Roasters of New Orleans
Crescent Pie & Sausage Co.
Buttermilk Drop Bakery
Coco Hut
Cajun King
Mchardy's Fried Chicken
Latino Farmers Cooperative
Big Will and the Warden
11am ~ Opening Ceremony - Prayer Song and Libation - Zion Trinity
11:30 - 12:30 J.D. Hill Blues Band
1:00 - 2:00 Zion Trinity
2:30 - 3:30 Sharon Martin and First Take
3:30 - 4 Festival Closing Celebration & Ceremony
*Domino Sound Record Shack spinning rare grooves on the Brewhaha Stage during breaks.
Art/Craft Vendors:
Coming Real Soon (Picture will be posted also)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Marine Corps AND Check Out Novemberfest 2011
I know it may seem odd that I am wishing the Marine Corps a Happy Birthday but anyone who knows me well enoungh knows that my father is a retired Marine Corps colonel and I spent 22 years of my life as a Marine brat. How does this relate to beer you ask? The Marine Corps was born in a bar that's how! Happy Birthday Marines! Ooh Rah!
That being said a buddy of mine in Houma, LA named Jason Sanner is putting on a beer festival down in the swamps of Houma. This is the third year of the event and every year the proceeds go to a charity of his choice. This years he is donating the proceeds to local Iraq/ Afghanistan military veterans. Being a military brat this is important to me. Supporting our volunteer troops is a must in my opinion as they fight every day for our freedoms we seem to always take for granted.
Below are the details of this amazing three day event!
Novemberfest 2011 Weekend Schedule
Friday 11/25
6:30pm-2:00am: Art Versus Novemberfest
-featuring paintings, photography, and sculpture from over 20 local artists
-Music: Open Mic all night!
-Beer Specials all night on featured Novemberfest Craft and Import Brews
Saturday 11/26
2:00pm: Mud Bug Brewery Beer Pairing Lunch at The Duke
-5 sampler size courses expertly prepared by Chef Matt Dolese, paired with tastings of 5 ALL NEW Mudbug Brewery Beers! Cost is $40.00 per person in advance only.
6:00pm-2:00am: Novemberfest Main Event
-6pm: Mud Bug Brewery Exclusive Beer Tasting featuring Craft Beers brewed in Thibodaux that have never before been served to the public!
-6pm: Special Q&A Session with Mudbug Brewmeister Leith Adams
-6pm: Steaming Hot Beer-Marinated Grilled Bratwurst on the bun with all the trimmings.
-6pm til: Tastings of various other selected Novemberfest Featured Beers and Microbrews, with several available for purchase at a discount after tasting.
-8pm: Charity Raffle benefitting LOCAL military veterans injured while serving in the Middle East. (Prizes include… $150.00 tattoo from Eddie Snyder of TattooMania, Artwork by local artists, Gift Certificates to local businesses, Novemberfest merchandise, and More…)
-9pm til 1:45: Live music! (Bands To Be Announced)
*Admission to the Main Event is $10.00 for Beers, Bratwurst, and Bands or incl with P.O.P. Weekend Bracelet.*
*Admission Saturday night for Bands only is $5.00*
Sunday 11/27
1:00pm-Close: BBQ, Bikes, & Blues Sunday
-Live Blues music performed all day
-Full spread of delicious BBQ prepared by Chef Matt Dolese of The Duke and Mudbug’s special Roasted Chipotle Smoked Ale!!
-3pm: 2011 Novemberfest Critical Mass Bike Ride & AlleyCat Bike Race ($5 Entry fee for race)
*Admission for Sunday is $10.00 per person in advance or at the door*
[*Pay One Price Weekend Bracelets will be available for $50.00 at The Boxer & The Barrel in advance starting on November 17 and at the door on the weekend of the festival*]
I'm hoping to check out at least one of these days! Sounds like a great event and it's all for a great cause! Hope to see you there!
The Beer Buddha
Friday, November 4, 2011
Beer Fridge Friday: November 4, 2011
Todays fridge comes to us from Adam over at Adam's Beer Blog. Thanks Adam!!
We need your beer fridge pics! Send 'em to!
The Beer Buddha
We need your beer fridge pics! Send 'em to!
The Beer Buddha
Friday, October 28, 2011
Beer Fridge Friday: October 28, 2011
My little brother sent us a picture of his beer fridge. I still don't get the Miller Lite's when he has access to Yuengling but whatever. Thanks Jordan!
We want to see your beer fridge so send us your pics to!
The Beer Buddha
We want to see your beer fridge so send us your pics to!
The Beer Buddha
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saint Arnold Santo Release Party
From Fat Harry's:
Saint Arnold Santo Release Party
Where: Fat Harry's
When: Saturday October 29
Time: 8:00pm - 11:00pm
Come out and be the first in New Orleans to drink Saint Arnold's Santo. It is a Black Kolsch and delicious. Essentially it is brewed using a Kölsch recipe with the addition of Munich and black malt. It is light bodied and floral yet with a distinct dark malt flavor. Also, Nicole with Saint Arnold will be around passing out some pretty cool Saint Arnold gear.
The Beer Buddha
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Abita Releases Its Imperial Louisiana Oyster Stout
Photo courtesy
Brew made with real Louisiana Oysters
Abita is proud to introduce their newest Select brew, made with real Louisiana oysters. Last year the Abita Brewing Company sponsored a home brew competition and offered the winning brewer a unique prize, a chance for their beer to be brewed by Abita and distributed as an Abita Select offering. The winning home brewer is Kerry Dale Yoes of Zachary, with Imperial Louisiana Oyster Stout.
Photo courtesy of
Home brewers from around the region gathered in November of last year at the Abita Brewery to compete. Yoes’ beer was the judges favorite and earned him the “Andy Award.” The award was named in honor of Abita’s first home brew contest winner, Andy Thomas who created the base recipe for Abita Andygator many years ago.
Abita Celebrates Louisiana Seafood
“We are especially pleased to offer this new Select because it contains real Louisiana oysters,” said David Blossman, President of Abita Beer. “We want the world to know that seafood fresh from Louisiana is ready and waiting for them to enjoy in so many ways...including as an ingredient in craft beer. Using Louisiana ingredients in our brews, from strawberries and satsumas to pecans and oysters, is just another way Abita Beer keeps their promise to always stay Louisiana True.”
Abita’s Imperial Louisiana Oyster Stout is made with pale, caramel, roasted and chocolate malts. Oats are also added to give the beer a fuller and sweeter taste. The roasted malts give the beer its dark color, as well as its intense flavor and aroma. The flavors of toffee and chocolate are prevalent but not overpowering. The beer is hopped with Willamette hops. Since the beer gets so much flavor from the malts there is not a lot of hop flavor. There is just enough bitterness to complement the sweetness of the malt. Finally, freshly shucked Louisiana oysters are added to the boil. The salt from the oysters gives the beer a more intense aroma and mouthfeel.
Abita Select is an exclusive premium draft product line from Abita that features a new style every few months. These specialty brews can be found only on tap and only at certain restaurants and bars. Consumers can locate Abita Select by using the beer finder on the Abita website or downloading the free Abita iPhone app.
About the Abita Brewing Company
The Abita Brewing Company was founded in Abita Springs, La., in 1986 and is the
oldest and largest craft brewer in the southeast. Abita is the 24th largest commercial
brewer by production volume in the nation and the 15th largest craft brewer in the United States. Sales for the company should exceed 130,000 barrels this year.
Abita Brewing Company produces seven flagship brews year-round: Abita Amber, Golden, Light, Turbodog, Purple Haze, Jockamo I.P.A. and Restoration Pale Ale. Abita also offers five seasonal beers, three Harvest brews, four Big Beers and a draft-only series of Select beers.
The Beer Buddha
Photo courtesy
Brew made with real Louisiana Oysters
Abita is proud to introduce their newest Select brew, made with real Louisiana oysters. Last year the Abita Brewing Company sponsored a home brew competition and offered the winning brewer a unique prize, a chance for their beer to be brewed by Abita and distributed as an Abita Select offering. The winning home brewer is Kerry Dale Yoes of Zachary, with Imperial Louisiana Oyster Stout.
Photo courtesy of
Home brewers from around the region gathered in November of last year at the Abita Brewery to compete. Yoes’ beer was the judges favorite and earned him the “Andy Award.” The award was named in honor of Abita’s first home brew contest winner, Andy Thomas who created the base recipe for Abita Andygator many years ago.
Abita Celebrates Louisiana Seafood
“We are especially pleased to offer this new Select because it contains real Louisiana oysters,” said David Blossman, President of Abita Beer. “We want the world to know that seafood fresh from Louisiana is ready and waiting for them to enjoy in so many ways...including as an ingredient in craft beer. Using Louisiana ingredients in our brews, from strawberries and satsumas to pecans and oysters, is just another way Abita Beer keeps their promise to always stay Louisiana True.”
Abita’s Imperial Louisiana Oyster Stout is made with pale, caramel, roasted and chocolate malts. Oats are also added to give the beer a fuller and sweeter taste. The roasted malts give the beer its dark color, as well as its intense flavor and aroma. The flavors of toffee and chocolate are prevalent but not overpowering. The beer is hopped with Willamette hops. Since the beer gets so much flavor from the malts there is not a lot of hop flavor. There is just enough bitterness to complement the sweetness of the malt. Finally, freshly shucked Louisiana oysters are added to the boil. The salt from the oysters gives the beer a more intense aroma and mouthfeel.
Abita Select is an exclusive premium draft product line from Abita that features a new style every few months. These specialty brews can be found only on tap and only at certain restaurants and bars. Consumers can locate Abita Select by using the beer finder on the Abita website or downloading the free Abita iPhone app.
About the Abita Brewing Company
The Abita Brewing Company was founded in Abita Springs, La., in 1986 and is the
oldest and largest craft brewer in the southeast. Abita is the 24th largest commercial
brewer by production volume in the nation and the 15th largest craft brewer in the United States. Sales for the company should exceed 130,000 barrels this year.
Abita Brewing Company produces seven flagship brews year-round: Abita Amber, Golden, Light, Turbodog, Purple Haze, Jockamo I.P.A. and Restoration Pale Ale. Abita also offers five seasonal beers, three Harvest brews, four Big Beers and a draft-only series of Select beers.
The Beer Buddha
Friday, October 21, 2011
Beer Fridge Friday: October 21, 2011
Brenton Day from Baton Rouge sent us his pic! Enjoy!
We need your beer fridge pics! Send 'em to
The Beer Buddha
We need your beer fridge pics! Send 'em to
The Beer Buddha
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Parish Brewing Bottle Designs
Andrew posted these to his Facebook page last night. The bottle designs look amazing!
Can't wait to get these down here in New Orleans!!
The Beer Buddha
Can't wait to get these down here in New Orleans!!
The Beer Buddha
Friday, October 14, 2011
Beer Review: The Bruery Autumn Maple
I really like success stories like The Bruery. This California brewery been around for about 2 years and already they are in 21 states including Florida where I was fortunate enough to pick up the beer on review. It's your typical homebrewer turned commercial brewer story but The Bruery is anything but typical. They are a brewery that enjoys pushing the boundary of what is possible and are constantly pumping out new and inventive brews to the craft beer drinking public.
I took a little vacation to Ocean Springs, Mississippi about 3 weeks ago and the wife let me take her along on a quick run into Pensacola which is two hours away. Hell, Mississippi didn't have anything so why not?
We first stopped in at Four Winds which based on reviews was supposed to be the "BEST" beer store in the Panhandle. Let me stop here and say I was seriously offended after having walked into this place. Look, I worked at Chans Wine World in Destin and Destin IS part of the Panhandle. Chan's puts this store to SHAME. And I'm not saying that because I worked there but just in general. Unorganized, unsanitary and numerous health code violations. And the beer selection was pathetic. One of the things I cannot stand in a beer selection is it not being organized. It drives me wild.
My wife and I just up and left and walked over to Richies East which was a little better but not much. At least I could find what I was looking for. Perhaps I should move to Pensacola and open a beer store. Hmmmm.
Anyway, enough of that. I picked up The Bruery Autumn Maple and cracked this bad boy open today. It says they used yams but I'm from the South. What's a yam? They're called sweet potatoes. Below is my review. And as a bonus I also posted a Sweet Potato Pie Recipe from the Queen of Soul Leah Chase from Dookie Chase restaurant. Enjoy!
Brewery: The Bruery
Beer: Autumn Maple
Style: Belgian Style Brown Ale
ABV: 10%
Louisiana Availability: No
Price Range: $8-10
Appearance: Amazing rich, rust colored brew. Nice frothy head with nice sticky lacing.
Smell: Immediately hit with the smell of SWEET POTATO(I am from the South). Smells so much like a sweet potato pie. Hints of clove, cinnamon and nutmeg with a dominant hint of sweet molasses.
Taste: This is like a sweet potato pie in the bottle. All the attributes are there. Like in the nose: sweet potato, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, molasses and vanilla. VERY sweet beer. Flavors are very pronounced when beer warms up.
Mouthfeel: Medium full body with low to medium carbonation.
Overall: This is definitely a beer to serve during Thanksgiving. Perhaps as a dessert beer. Extremely sweet almost too much so. I would like to try the oak aged one. i bet that must balance out that sweetness a bit with a nice boozy bourbon kick.
Score: 3.5 out of 5 Buddhas
Me drinking beer with Leah Chase.
And now here is the recipe!
Sweet Potato Pie- Leah Chase's Recipe
1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup finely-chopped pecans
1/2 cup cold butter (the original recipe calls for vegetable shortening)
1/4 cups ice-cold water, or as needed
In a food processor, pulse together all the dry ingredients and the butter into short bursts until the mixture forms pea-sized lumps. Add the water through the feed chute as you pulse until the mixture forms a stiff dough and pulls away from the sides of the food processor bowl. Form the dough into a 6-inch disk and wrap it in plastic; chill for one hour. The dough can be made in advance. It can be kept refrigerated for several days and even frozen.
2 large sweet potatoes (about 1.5 lbs total), peeled and cut into 2-inch cubes
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 large eggs, slightly beaten
1/4 cup condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon melted butter
Pecan halves for decoration
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
2. Roll the chilled pie dough into a 12-inch round and press into a 9-inch pie pan. Flute the edges. Bake for 10-15 minutes until the crust is set and beginning to brown slightly. Remove the pie pan from the oven and let it cool.
3. Put the sweet potatoes into a medium pot and cover them with water by an inch. Bring to a boil. Boil slowly until the potatoes are tender with no absolutely no resistance at the center when pieced with a fork.
4. Drain off the water and mash the potatoes with a potato masher. Do not use a potato ricer or food processor.
5. As you mash the potatoes, add the sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg; then whisk in the eggs, milk, and vanilla. The butter goes in last.
6. Once the filling is well-mixed, pour it into the baked pie crust. Arrange pecan halves around the outside edges and sprinkle the top of the pie with more ground cinnamon. Bake for 20-25 minutes until the filling is set and the edges of the crust have browned.
7. Serve the pie warm or at room temperature with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
The Beer Buddha
Autumn Maple,
Beer Review,
Dooky Chase,
Leah Chase,
The Bruery
Beer Fridge Friday: October 14, 2011
Uh oh! We missed last week so I had to come at you strong! Ray Grace sent us three pics! Enjoy!
We need your beer fridge pics! Send 'em to
The Beer Buddha
We need your beer fridge pics! Send 'em to
The Beer Buddha
5 Brewtacular Halloween Brews
A scene from AMCs The Walking Dead.
Halloween is right around the corner!!! My family and I have been slowly putting up the decorations and thinking about possible costumes. The kid is going as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz this year and didn't like my idea of Zombie Dorothy. Not sure about the wife but I may go as Guy Fieri if I can find a spiked wig. I think I can pull it off for sure. Just some pinky rings, an armband and a button up shirt with some Dickie shorts right? Oh, and the sunglasses on backwards.
Here in New Orleans, Halloween seems to be more of an adult holiday than a kid holiday. Parties everywhere! And of course Bourbon Street becomes one huge Halloween party every year! It's crazy!
If you're having a party and are looking for some special beverages that'll help make it that much more "Halloween", I have a list of great beers that not only taste great but have great Halloween tie ins as well.
1) Coney Island Freaktoberfest- How could you not start off with this blood red lager from Shmaltz Brewing Companies Coney Island line-up? When a beer comes in at 6.66% abv and is made with 6 malts and 6 hops it IS the perfect Halloween beer. This one will blow your mind from a sensory standpoint. Trust me.
2) Reaper Ale Mortality Stout- It's called Mortality Stout and has a skull on the front. What more could you ask for? This foreign stout from Reaper Ale in California pours a dark black and has hints of roasted malt and mocha. Oh, and check out the website for sure! Great Halloween website!!
3) Brasserie Dieu du Ciel! Rigor Mortis ABT- This Quad style ale from Dieu du Ciel! is great for Halloween for obvious reasons. It is a nice malty beer with hints of chocolate, caramel and dark fruit.
4) Squatters Brewpub Hell's Keep- This amazing golden strong ale from Squatters Brewpub in Utah is perfect for Halloween. Great taste and amazing logo.
5) Squatters Brewpub Outer Darkness- This Russian Imperial Stout again from Squatters Brewpub has an amazingly rich flavor of roasted malts, chocolate and coffee with hints of licorice and molasses. And the logo on the bottle is awesome.
So there you have it! I'm sure there are more and I would love to hear your thoughts of great beers for Halloween so leave a comment! Happy haunting!
The Beer Buddha
Halloween is right around the corner!!! My family and I have been slowly putting up the decorations and thinking about possible costumes. The kid is going as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz this year and didn't like my idea of Zombie Dorothy. Not sure about the wife but I may go as Guy Fieri if I can find a spiked wig. I think I can pull it off for sure. Just some pinky rings, an armband and a button up shirt with some Dickie shorts right? Oh, and the sunglasses on backwards.
Here in New Orleans, Halloween seems to be more of an adult holiday than a kid holiday. Parties everywhere! And of course Bourbon Street becomes one huge Halloween party every year! It's crazy!
If you're having a party and are looking for some special beverages that'll help make it that much more "Halloween", I have a list of great beers that not only taste great but have great Halloween tie ins as well.
1) Coney Island Freaktoberfest- How could you not start off with this blood red lager from Shmaltz Brewing Companies Coney Island line-up? When a beer comes in at 6.66% abv and is made with 6 malts and 6 hops it IS the perfect Halloween beer. This one will blow your mind from a sensory standpoint. Trust me.
2) Reaper Ale Mortality Stout- It's called Mortality Stout and has a skull on the front. What more could you ask for? This foreign stout from Reaper Ale in California pours a dark black and has hints of roasted malt and mocha. Oh, and check out the website for sure! Great Halloween website!!
3) Brasserie Dieu du Ciel! Rigor Mortis ABT- This Quad style ale from Dieu du Ciel! is great for Halloween for obvious reasons. It is a nice malty beer with hints of chocolate, caramel and dark fruit.
4) Squatters Brewpub Hell's Keep- This amazing golden strong ale from Squatters Brewpub in Utah is perfect for Halloween. Great taste and amazing logo.
5) Squatters Brewpub Outer Darkness- This Russian Imperial Stout again from Squatters Brewpub has an amazingly rich flavor of roasted malts, chocolate and coffee with hints of licorice and molasses. And the logo on the bottle is awesome.
So there you have it! I'm sure there are more and I would love to hear your thoughts of great beers for Halloween so leave a comment! Happy haunting!
The Beer Buddha
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Spent Grain Dog Biscuits: Halloween Style
Spent grain. There are all sorts of things you can do with it. Make bread, place in your compost pile or even do what NOLA Brewing does and give it to feed cows and make yummy cows.
At New Orleans on Tap I ran into Melanie, who is the brewer at NOLA and she was handing out homemade spent grain dog biscuits. I thought that was a pretty kick ass idea and decided to give it a try. I figured that I have two dogs(Falstaff and Elvira) and I wanted to see if they'd enjoy it.
I decided to include my daughter because I thought it would be a nice Daddy and Daughter Day activity for our full blown D & D Weekend since the old lady is out of town. Now I don't homebrew due to this disease I have called laziness but I know someone who does. NOLA Brewing. So me and the kid took a quick trip down to the brewery and grabbed a tupperware full of some NOLA Blonde spent grain. After we got home I was ditched for a singles game of dress-up and Phineas and Ferb so I was on my own. Oh well.
Overall the process was really easy! The toughest part was getting through the smell of the peanut butter as I have a strong dislike for it. Gagging while rolling out the dough was pretty funny though.
Here is the ingredient list and some pics!
4 cups spent grain
4 cups flour
1 cup peanut butter
2 eggs
Water- Use very small amounts of water while kneading to soften
**And for those that are worried about hops coming into contact with the spent grain don't worry. Hops do not generally come into contact with the spent grain. Hops are bad for dogs though so watch out! Thanks to Melanie from NOLA Brewing for that little bit of important information!
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Roll out(I used a beer bottle)into a dense layer on a large cookie sheet. Make the shapes you want. Cookie cutters work well. Bake for about half an hour at 350 F then lower the oven temperature to 225 F for 8 to 10 hours to dry them very thoroughly to prevent mold growth. Store in an airtight container.
Spent Grain
Roll it out bitch
Skulls are hardcore.
My skull army.
The Beer Buddha
At New Orleans on Tap I ran into Melanie, who is the brewer at NOLA and she was handing out homemade spent grain dog biscuits. I thought that was a pretty kick ass idea and decided to give it a try. I figured that I have two dogs(Falstaff and Elvira) and I wanted to see if they'd enjoy it.
I decided to include my daughter because I thought it would be a nice Daddy and Daughter Day activity for our full blown D & D Weekend since the old lady is out of town. Now I don't homebrew due to this disease I have called laziness but I know someone who does. NOLA Brewing. So me and the kid took a quick trip down to the brewery and grabbed a tupperware full of some NOLA Blonde spent grain. After we got home I was ditched for a singles game of dress-up and Phineas and Ferb so I was on my own. Oh well.
Overall the process was really easy! The toughest part was getting through the smell of the peanut butter as I have a strong dislike for it. Gagging while rolling out the dough was pretty funny though.
Here is the ingredient list and some pics!
4 cups spent grain
4 cups flour
1 cup peanut butter
2 eggs
Water- Use very small amounts of water while kneading to soften
**And for those that are worried about hops coming into contact with the spent grain don't worry. Hops do not generally come into contact with the spent grain. Hops are bad for dogs though so watch out! Thanks to Melanie from NOLA Brewing for that little bit of important information!
Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Roll out(I used a beer bottle)into a dense layer on a large cookie sheet. Make the shapes you want. Cookie cutters work well. Bake for about half an hour at 350 F then lower the oven temperature to 225 F for 8 to 10 hours to dry them very thoroughly to prevent mold growth. Store in an airtight container.
Spent Grain
Roll it out bitch
Skulls are hardcore.
My skull army.
The Beer Buddha
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