Stoled from da internets
I've always wanted to use that as a title and think the moment is now. I just read a post from a brewery employee(not gonna say who, what or where as that's irrelevant) who stated they saw a person on the brewery tour fill up the tasting glass/cup provided (which is fine) and then proceeded to fill up the water bottle they brought as well as their "go cup" option.
This pisses me off. Yes, the beer at tours here in Louisiana are free to the public but these tours should not be your "pre-game" before hitting the town. These tours are supposed to be educational in nature so you beer heathens can learn a little something about the brewing process. Seeing this process can definitely add to your beer drinking experience.
Doing something like this is similar to going to Sams or Costco and being that douche who takes all the food samples. I used to work in the food demo business and saw this kind of crap all the time. What these people don't realize is this costs businesses money. This is a form of advertising for them.
Whether you scarf down the entire plate of cheddar cheese jalapeno poppers or fill your Dasani water bottle with "free" beer you are costing the company money. The person behind you may not get the chance to try that product now because you're a gluttonous douche. Not being able to try the product might mean they won't buy the product which means the business didn't make money. Good job dumbass.
Save your arguments about how big mega corporations can afford it and all that crap. I don't care. Many of these breweries are small businesses and in my opinion you're affecting their bottom line. Stop being a douche. Have a couple beers, enjoy the tour and go buy a beer from your local bar. And remember: Don't steal the glass from the bar. That's douchey too.
The Beer Buddha