Friday, July 18, 2008

My Name is Beerbuddha and I Love Yuengling

OK, so as a "beer nerd", "beer advocate", "beer geek" or whatever it is you call people like myself , I'm not supposed to like beers like Yuengling. But I do. I love it a lot. I could lose my reputation(if I even have one!) and lose readers(reader? I think I may have at least one.)for admitting this. It's my session beer. You know, the beer I could drink every day and I would if I had access to it every day. You see, Yuengling isn't available in the state of Louisiana and that sucks. It means I have to ration my supply. It means that whenever I go on family trips to the east coast I make sure I reserve enough room in the Jeep and save enough money (only $8.99/12-pack at Total Wine in Orlando)to buy a case of it. When other beer fanatics are reserving room and saving money for that limited release that is so hoppy it makes your ass pucker, I'm coming back with what many consider an "average" beer. But it's not average to me. My dad introduced this beer to me not that long ago and I fell in love with it. Now, hold on, before you get your panties in a bunch, I'm not saying it's the best beer I've ever had but man it's close. For me it ranks so high because of it's drinkability and it's taste. It's a great tasting lager that goes down easy and quenches my thirst. I'm not always in the mood for some exotic craft beer but I can always go for a Yuengling. My name is Beerbuddha and I love Yuengling.
Stay Buddhalicious!
The Beerbuddha


The Beer In Me said...

Well, I can tell you that I love this beer! I drank a lot of it in Destin and it was great! This beer reminds me of Dixie in that it's been around for a long time and it has a unique taste. I think these old breweries deserve some respect. I don't feel you have to be drinking craft beer all the time. There's lots of beers like these that I really enjoy, including a lot of old European beers. So, I would agree with you on this one! Cheers!

Unknown said...

I love my Yuengling...if I had know you were holding out on me.

Anonymous said...

What if companies like Yuengling thought of another avenue in bringing their beers to other states such Arkansas? Instead of building or buying big costly breweries, worry about distribution points and or logistical concerns and cost in transporting raw materials to the breweries, companies like Yuengling could build in-house breweries. Food services facilities where they could brew and provide their products directly to the consumer in a casual eating establishment. Instead of working towards a massive production, companies like Yuengling could still provide their quality beer,introduce themselves into new markets , save on production costs and at the same time begin to establish themselves among the local consumers. Through word of mouth advertising and target local marketing companies like Yuegling would and could generate a larger interest into the new products. They maybe could set up a franchise system and create a chain of such establishments into states where the product is not yet available.

Unknown said...

The main issue with Yuengling are production, distribution and transportation of the famed Lager. He wants to be able to provide a Lager to the consumer at a low competitive price. Yuengling does not want to build costly larger breweries into markets not yet tested. The nearest distribution points are in Tennessee. This would make transporting the Lager to states like Arkansas, Missouri, Louisiana or Iowa, nearly impossible without increase the cost of the product to the consumer or even effecting the quality of the product. To me, one possible solution for Yuengling is to build smaller Brew Pubs or Tap rooms, where Yuengling, on a smaller scale could make the Lager and other flavors on site and sale those products directly to the consumer. This would eliminate the need for large multi-million dollar breweries, distributors and transportation concerns. It would also be a cost effective way to bring the Yuengling brand into markets not yet available.