Every once in a while a beer comes along that truly blows my mind. Let's be honest though, when it comes to beer blowing my mind really isn't all that hard. Recently though I was lucky enough to pick up a bottle of the Terrapin/Left Hand Brewing collaboration brew called Depth Charge. It is an espresso milk stout using Jittering Joe's espresso.
Now anyone who knows me knows that I hate coffee. I have this weird quirk that makes me not like hot liquids. I'm talking coffee, soup, hot chocolate, etc. I'm not sure when I developed this quirk but it's there. I hate hot liquids. So the taste of coffee doesn't really bother me but the temperature does. And no I don't drink iced coffee either. That's just..well, we'll just leave it at that.
I've reviewed a coffee beer once before with the Peche Mortel from Brasserie Dieu du Ciel in Montreal, Quebec and it got 4.5 Buddhas but this Depth Charge seriously made me rethink the whole coffee thing. Just for a second though. Actually I think I found my "instead of coffee" beverage of choice for after dinner!! Too bad it's a limited release. Anyways, on to the review:
Brewery: Terrapin Brewing Company
Beer: Depth Charge Espresso Milk Stout
Style: Milk Stout/Sweet Stout
Recommended Glassware: Pint Glass
Appearance: This beer poured a dark brown, blackish color with a tan head. Lacing present throughout.
Smell: Espresso. Espresso. Espresso. And chocolate.
Taste: WOW. Amazing. Tastes like espresso and chocolate but not in an offensive way like many coffee beers can be. Perhaps the lactose helps balance it out properly.
Mouthfeel: Very smooth beer. Not as heavy as one would imagine. Carbonation is minimal.
Overall: I hate coffee but this beer blew my mind. THIS is the perfect after dinner beer. I only wish I had purchased more. Oh well.

I see over on your twitter update you asked about trademarking your name "the Beer Buddha". You might be able to do that, I dunno. What I would definitely do is get a creative commons license thoguh. - http://creativecommons.org/ -
It's a free way to protect your blog.
I love coffee and coffee loves me too! I thought this beer was awesome. I have one other bottle and I am going to drink it soon.
Two good breweries working together cannot be a bad thing. Based on your review, I will have to scour the shelves for it.
I have some Depth Charge coming in a trade and I can't wait! It sounds fantastic.
It really is awesome!!!
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