There are a lot of times where I just want to drink a beer that is light, crisp, clean, refreshing and cheap. You've heard me say, "light, crisp, clean and refreshing", many times in this blog. Sometimes a 120 IBU punch you in the mother fucking face hoppy brew just seriously isn't what I'm looking for. That and sometimes I don't want to spend $18 for a six pack. A lot of times I just want cheap and easy and most of the time a "macro" lager will fit the profile. Lately though I feel that in this age of craft beer popularity we sometimes forget to pay respect to the beers that preceded them.
Beers such as Hamms, Dixie, Olympia and National Bohemian(Natty Boh) were regional beers that were extremely popular back in the 50s and 60s. Most of these once local breweries were eventually bought out by larger companies such as Pabst or Miller and suffered. Recently though we have witnessed a resurgence in the "old school" beer especially the regional ones. Now if Dixie could get it's head out of it's ass and capitalize off of this.
I've been on a mission to pay homage to those regional beers that our grandfathers and fathers drank when they were younger. So far I've had the opportunity to have many you can't get here in Louisiana such as Olympia, Hamms and Lonestar. I'm still looking for others such as Natty Boh, Pearl(yeah I can only find Pearl Light. Fuck that!)and anything else anyone can recommend from their neck of the woods. I do have a Ranier in the fridge! Review to come soon!
I was lucky enough to recently get my hands on some Narragansett and realized I was down to my last can and hadn't officially review it yet for the blog! Here ya go!
Brewery: Narragansett Brewing
Beer: Lager
ABV: 5.10%
Louisiana Availability: None
Price Range: $4/six pack
Appearance: Nice large white head. Clear golden, straw color.
Smell: Huge graininess with the slightest hint of hops.
Taste: Very crisp and clean. Refreshing on the palate. Hints of cereal, grain and slight hoppy bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with medium high carbonation.
Overall: Crisp and clean lager with full flavor. Great beer. Now I just wish they distributed here in NOLA.
Score: 3.5 out of 5 Buddhas

The Beer Buddha
I believe that the current Narragansett (often referred to back in the day as "Nastyganset") is a reborn brand. The original died a while back. I'd be interested to know if anything changed when it returned from the dead.
Yeah it is. I saw that it "died" in 1983 but someone has resurrected it from the dead.
Thanks to Mark Hellendrung, president and official "reviver" of the brew, Narragansett is back and it is far from "Nasty". Not only is it the best after-mowing-the-lawn beer, it's a great beer any time of year. We're lucky in New England to have such great local product to call our own. Hi-Neighbor! Have a 'Gansett!
Thanks to Mark Hellendrung, president and official "reviver" of the brew, Narragansett is back and it is far from "Nasty". Not only is it the best after-mowing-the-lawn beer, it's a great beer any time of year. We're lucky in New England to have such great local product to call our own. Hi-Neighbor! Have a 'Gansett!
Just finished a week in New England with many Naragansetts and thoroughly enjoyed each and every one... Had the first one on tap at a Boston area seafood restaurant and was so impressed that it was the only beer we bought for our week on Block Island... The rebus bottle lids were a fun touch...
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