Monday, May 21, 2012

Green Flash Rollout Info

Three Day Roll Out at Avenue Pub

Tuesday June 18th

8pm Green Flash Trivia- with Green Flash questions and Green Flash giveaways on Tap: West Coast IPA Hop Head Red

Wednesday June 19th

7pm on tap: all of the drafts above plus: Founders Brewing and Green Flash collaboration Linchpin White IPA Double Stout Le Freak Saison Diego Belgian Trippel Bottle Pours: Rayon Vert

Friday June 21st

6pm All of drafts the above plus: Retro Extra Pale Ale Barleywine Imperial IPA Belgian Trippel Bottle Pours: Rayon Vert & St Feuillian Green Flash Collaboration Beire de L'Amite

Northshore Rollout

Barley Oak June 21st 7pm

The market in general will have the following beers and formats: Everyday Draft Items: West Coast IPA 1/6 Hop Head Red 1/6 Everyday Package Items: West Coast IPA 6/4/12 Hop Head Red 6/4/12 Double Stout 6/4/12 Rayon Vert 6/4/12 Imperial IPA 12/22oz Belgian Trippel 12/22oz Thanks to Polly for this information!!!


 The Beer Buddha

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