Picked both of these beers up at Steins yesterday and today. He seemed to have a decent amount of the Joie A Tous but is almost out of the Parish Grand Reserve. Apparently Andrew Godley put some Mexican Brown in this beer and everyone and their Grandmother is buying some. Baton Rouge apparently had riots over this stuff. Just what I heard. Rumor has it that Elio's has some Grand Reserve. Yes, that Elio's. Yes, the Elio's you went and bought beer at when you were under 21 when you were at Tulane in the mid 90s. Okay. No I didn't. I would NEVER buy beer underage and no fine establishment in this city would EVER sell to minors. Apparently they have a nice beer selection now. I should go check it out.
Anyway below are the prices at Steins. I do not know how much they are elsewhere in the city.
Bayou Teche Joie a Tous Price: $8.79
Parish Grand Reserve Price: $14.99
Go get you some before it's too late!
The Beer Buddha
PS I saw some monks in Dan Steins beer storage area with machine guns guarding the Westies. I asked them if I could buy just one and they told me, "GO TO HELL! WE WILL BRING DOWN THE WRATH OF HIS HOLINESS JESUS CHRIST IF ANYONE ATTEMPTS TO SELL JUST ONE BOTTLE! FULL PACKS ONLY! Peace be with you." So just saying.
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