Okay, so let me start off by saying I have no idea what Fark.com is and no idea who Drew Curtis is. I'm sure you are a cool guy Drew and I'm sorry I don't know you or your website. I do however know who Wil Wheaton is. He plays John Cusack's brother who searched for a dead body in Stand By Me and was also in the kick ass Sean Astin movie Toy Soldiers. And of course, I know who Greg Koch is. He's the quirky, bearded homeless guy that hangs out at Stone Brewing. Just kidding. #beardjealousy
stoled from Greg Koch's Facebook page
But seriously though when the internet went nuts over the new collaboration brew Stone Farking Wheaton w00tstout I just didn't really get all the hubbub. The hubbub is that Stone Brewing collaborated with Wil Wheaton(apparently a home brewer in addition to being a geeks heartthrob)and Drew Curtis. Nerds went ballistic. I was just excited about another Stone beer.
All I know about Big Bang Theory is she is in it.
Wheaton would represent the wheat(of course) in the beer, Curtis the rye and pecans(he is from Kentucky) and Stone does the rest. I didn't watch Star Trek, never heard of w00tstock, don't watch Big Bang Theory and don't know Fark.com. Am I not "geeky" enough to understand this beer? I'm just a former jock who loves beer and if I watched Big Bang Theory it would be to watch Kaley Cuoco's fine ass only. Yeah, I'm that guy.
Thankfully "geeky" doesn't matter in the beer world. All that matters is the taste and this beer is seriously tasty!
Here is my review:
Brewery: Stone Brewing
Beer: Stone Farking Wheaton w00tstout
Style: Imperial Stout
ABV: 13%
Louisiana Availability: Yes. RETAIL: Steins Deli, Elio's Wine Warehouse and Martin Wine Cellar. DRAFT: Avenue Pub, Bulldog(Uptown and Midcity), Ancora and DBA
Price: $7.99
Appearance: Pours coffee black. Head was minimal as was lacing.
Smell: I allowed this one to warm up a bit and I think the beer was better for it. The aroma was more prevalent the closer to room temperature the beer got. Nice hints of coffee, chocolate, vanilla and tobacco(yeah really!).
Taste: As in the nose I tasted hints of coffee, chocolate and vanilla. Also has a slight nutty flavor. Nice balance of bitter and sweet with a hint of spiciness from what I assume is the rye.
Mouthfeel: Viscous with low carbonation.
Overall: GREAT brew! I think aging this bad boy would really help an awesome beer become better. Hell, as hot as it is outside right now waiting for it to be cold outside would be a good idea! I struggle drinking stouts during summer anyway! I will be grabbing another one to open up this winter for sure! Grab some while it's still out!
Score: 4.5 out of 5 Buddhas

The Beer Buddha
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