Sometimes there are nice perks to being a beer blogger. Once in a Blue Moon(pun intended)a brewery will send you a nice package in hopes that you sample and review it. Recently I was lucky enough to get one of those sample packages from Magic Hat Brewery. They have just recently entered into the Louisiana market with their #9 and that's what they sent me.
I'll be honest I've had #9 before and didn't like it at all. I had it on draft at the Mellow Mushroom in Destin, Florida and fully expected the same experience this time around as well. I usually reserve judgement of a beer until I have at least had it twice so I've never reviewed #9 on this website.
The package they sent me was your typical package(information folder, sticker, koozie) except for this:
Yes dear readers they sent me condoms. Now I've been married for 12 years now and have one kid so obviously I don't need to tell you anymore regarding my usage of condoms but I can tell you it's been awhile. I'm not even sure I know anyone that uses them. Actually I may but it's not really a topic of conversation when drinking beer with my boys. Maybe that's the thing behind the name Magic Hat. They named themselves after condoms? Perhaps someone from the company would be kind enough to explain the whole condom thing. Rumor has it that condoms, games and other "beer events" seems to be part of their whole schtick. Not sure why a brewery needs a schtick but whatever.
Anyways on to the review:
Brewery: Magic Hat Brewery
Beer: #9
Style: Fruit/Vegetable
Recommended Glassware: Pint Glass
Appearance: This beer pours a a golden amber with a nice white head. A little lacing is present.
Smell: Whoa! Amazing apricot aroma. Very powerful apricot presence with hints of grain and slight hint of hops.
Taste: Huge apricot sweetness with a mild hop bitterness and graininess. To me it's apricot sweet in a good way.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with medium carbonation.
Drinkability: This beer is a good beer for summertime. Nice crisp beer with hints of apricots. This beer has potential here in New Orleans if sold properly. I have a feeling it'll most likely be marketed to the ladies because well that's the misperception of women and beer- women like fruity beer.
Score: 3 out of 5 Buddhas
The Beer Buddha
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